Thursday, 2 February 2012

Food I want to try - Part 2! Dessert Addition!

15. Japanese Crepes - Just ... yum!

They look so good that they deserve 2 photos!

16. Ichigo (Strawberry) Shortcake - Appears in so many anime that I have to give it a try :D

17. Green Tea Kit Kat - Ahhh .. Japan :)

18. Mochi - The quintessential Japanese dessert, mochi is a round dumpling made from ground glutinous rice flour , often stuffed with jelly, jam, pastes, or ice cream.  The most common filling is a slightly sweet red bean paste.


19. Dango - Dango are related to mochi in that both are made from glutinous rice flour.  Dango, however, tend to be dense, sticky, and not stuffed with fillings.  The version shown here is boccan dango, colored with red beans, eggs, and green tea.

20. Pu-rin (Japanese translation on the word pudding)

Next time: Japanese Drinks ... Maybe...